Change events on select elements don’t fire in IE8 when the user confirms the selection with the enter key until the user clicks elsewhere. If your users are waiting on something in particular to happen after updating the select this is a bit of a problem.
Here’s my solution:
// jQuery syntax for ease of reading var the_select = $("#my_select"); // this works great for most browsers the_select.change(function() { console.log('changed'); }); // if IE8 if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) <= 8) { // get the keypress event the_select.keypress(function(e) { // if the user pushed enter if(e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) { // manually trigger the change handler $(this).change() // blur afterwards isn't ideal but // it doesn't work correctly otherwise .blur(); } }); }