I recently built a 3rd party Facebook app for iOS that makes your Facebook feed look like your twitter feed Check it our for free in the app store.
Author: Paul
Problems authenticating on public wifi
At Starbucks or McDonalds, on airplanes, at libraries or anywhere else they have free wifi you get popups asking you to accept terms and conditions and click a [Connect Now] button. If you ever have problems getting these screens to display it’s almost certainly because you’re using non-default DNS servers. The solution for me was… Continue reading Problems authenticating on public wifi
Debugging bottlenecks in Javascript
For most bottleneck debugging Chrome Inspector’s profiles view in invaluable until a bottleneck is identified and then it becomes a bit cumbersome. I like to have a quicker overview of the piece i’m working on optimizing. I use this small and easy timer snippet. var timer = { start: function() { timer.t = new Date().getTime();… Continue reading Debugging bottlenecks in Javascript
Spider Match! is featured in iTunes!
I’m not sure what this will mean for sales but really cool either way. Check it out in the app store
Logging into postgres on Bitnami’s Ruby Stack VM
The VM for the Bitnami Ruby Stack doesn’t have the correct credentials for postgres anywhere that I could find. Incorrect credentials that I saw on the Bitnami site, in the docs hosted on the VM, or on the internet while searching for a solution: user: root pass: user: root pass: root user: administrator pass: bitnami… Continue reading Logging into postgres on Bitnami’s Ruby Stack VM
Custom cursors, relative paths, and internet explorer
Custom cursors in an external CSS file will 404 in Internet Explorer unless your using fully qualified urls. This effects IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9 and IE10. What is happening Internet Explorer for some ungodly reason treats relative font paths as relative to the page, not relative to the CSS File. My Fix You can fully… Continue reading Custom cursors, relative paths, and internet explorer
Aggressively removing DS_Store files in git repos
DS_Store files in git repositories is a minor problem for a lot of people. Global .gitignore files are a great solution to not commiting DS_Store files but it won’t actively remove them from your project directories. This is my shortcut for git status: function s() { find . -name ‘*.DS_Store’ -type f -delete #find and… Continue reading Aggressively removing DS_Store files in git repos
Animal Match Games for iOS
I built a simple iOS match game for my kids that addresses a few common shortcomings of existing kids apps and then themed it when they wanted more animals. Differences that I felt were important: There’s nothing to distract from the gameplay. I don’t do promotions, ads, in app purchases or even more inocuous things… Continue reading Animal Match Games for iOS
Disabling the save shortcut for browsers
The save hotkey in Chrome needs to be changed for all the same reasons I disabled the Print hotkey. I hit it by accident a few times a week thinking some other application is active and then I have to wait for it to load to get out of it. It’s only a few seconds… Continue reading Disabling the save shortcut for browsers
Sharing a single NSDateFormatter instance
Formatting dates in cellForRowAtIndexPath or another method that gets called very often will make an app noticeably slower if an NSDateFormatter needs to be initialized on every call. Storing the NSDateFormatter in a property or making it static are both fine options but if it’s around anyway it might as well be used by the… Continue reading Sharing a single NSDateFormatter instance